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    Senin, 27 Juni 2016

    Memories Last Story Athan Bilal bin Rabbah

    Memories Last Story Athan Bilal bin Rabbah│Suatu the Caliph Abu Bakr ask Bilal bin Rabbah to raise the Azan, but he refuses. He has declared himself that since the Prophet died he would not call to prayer again, so at the request of the Bilal bin Abu Bakar rabbah replied "Let me just be the muezzin of the Prophet Muhammad alone, the Prophet Muhammad. Gone, then I'm not a muezzin anyone else.

    Memories Last Story Athan Bilal bin RabbahCaliph Abu Bakr thus cannot be urged Bilal bin Rabbah to peal back Azan. Caliph Abu Bakr bin Rabbah Billal understand the circumstances because of the sorrow in the living Prophet Muhammad that linger in hatinya.sehingga pushed left Medina moved toward Syria and then settled in Homs, Syria.

    Old Bilal bin Rabbah no longer visiting the Medina, until one night when the Prophet Muhammad. present in his dream, and admonished, "O Bilal, why do not you visit me? Why is this?

    Bilalpun woke up startled from sleep. Soon he was preparing for the journey to Medina on pilgrimage to the Tomb of the Prophet Muhammad. After so many years away leaving the Prophet Muhammad Bilal. Bilal remove bersedu sedan remove longing on the beloved Prophet.

    At that time, two young men approached him as young adults, they are the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Hasan and Husen. Bilal increasingly meranjak old with eyes swollen with tears hugged the Prophet Muhammad's grandson.

    When it was one of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad said to Bilal. "Uncle, will you once proclaimed the Adhan for us" we want to remember our grandfather "
    When the Caliph Umar bin Khattab as a touching sight it and come begging to Bilal to call to prayer, though only once.

    finally. Bilalpun memenihi that request.
    When the prayer time arrives, the place of the usual bilalpun first ride when he azan when the time of the Prophet was alive.

    Begin Bilal azan.
    When lafadz Allahu Akbar echoed him, suddenly the whole medina silent, all activity stopped, all shocked, sound has many - years lost, a voice that is reminiscent of the figure of the Great Nan, a sound so longed had returned.

    When Bilal shouted 'Asyhadu an laa ilaha illa Allah', the entire city of Medina ran toward the sound of the shouting, even the girls in seclusion they came out.

    And when Bilal echoed 'Asyhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah', Medina broken by weeping and wailing very heartbreaking. All cried, remembering the good times along with the Prophet, Umar bin Khattab loudest crying. Even Bilal himself was not able to continue adzannya, tongue choked by tears laughing. Today it madinah reminiscing when they last Prophet among them.

    Today it is the first and last call to prayer for Bilal after the Prophet died. Adzan who has published longing people of Medina to the Prophet. Adzan that can not be completed.
    And at that moment, Medina City flooded by tears of longing for the Prophet. Allaahumma Sholli 'Alaa Muhammad.

    Source: www.alkisaah.blogspot.com

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